Sunday, October 26, 2008

First Posting Here.. I am soo excited I could cry

This is my first posting for my Crazy Crap on eBay Blog. If you can't figure out what the heck this site is, here is the low down dude. This is a cool laid back blog about all the crazy crap I found on eBay.

What is crazy crap? Well it is not your ugly tweed father's flat cap. We* are looking to post truly funny unique items and listings we found on eBay. Haunted dolls, haunted toasts, Elvis' dentures, dates with people's dogs, people's jobs for sale... all these listings are possible postings on this obscure website.

You can submit crazy crap you found on eBay to ceokaren at Send spam to

To eBay IP lawyers: The name of this site is not "crazy crap on ebay' but "crazy crap one bay."

* The term "we" does not denote a group of people but rather the multiple personalities of one person.

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