Saturday, May 8, 2010

Turn your Peephole into a Creephole

" Effective on all major brands of standard door peepholes used on apartment, hotel, and residential doors."
Yeah, this will go over really well at the Holiday Inn.

This IS Crazy Crap

And I thought keeping your money in your socks was gross.
I'll stick to storing money in a shoebox.... but don't tell anybody I said that.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Is this a life raft for a bug? What the heck is it and why do I need this?

Yikes, and I thought I was addicted to soda...

Someone get this lady into an alcoholic treatment center:

The Oil Industry turns to eBay for help.

This listing cracks me up. This guy goes into all this legalese:
"Buyers will be listed as legal mineral rights owner.. [if property is sold] Mineral Rights Owners will be listed on the Earnest Money Agreement and the Deed of Trust... [mineral rights] cannot be sold or transferred.." yadda yadda yadda

Then he tops it off with "Mineral rights are mostly for novelty gift, with the interesting gamble of possible payoff in the future." What??

"Buyers will receive a Legal Certificate (EMAILED COPY)" Emailed copy??? Is this guy for real?

This is the type of brooch you would wear at a Star Trek Convention...

or maybe a Goldman Sachs party??

Who knows? Not the seller...
"I'm not really sure.. what it's about but it's funny.."

NOTE: This listing just ended.

Something to pass down to the kids...

Finally a toilet seat designed for a gangster

Check out the photos of inside the toilet seat too.

I finally have a plan to get my annoying roommates to surrender the remote...

Someone tell this guy eBay is not Christie's.

Yikes this is a lot of money for a Picasso-like painting of Teddy Ruxpin:

I like this guy's work- it's gorgeous. But some of it is just too over the top- even for me. Like his Mr. Spock Faces Abstract Art:

His Windex Work is unusual- I have heard of "clean freaks" and "neatniks" but if you have a painting of Windex bottles above your mantle, you are something else.

And somebody tell this guy Mr. Rogers was not into yoga.

Crazycrap is back

I have been abandoning this website for over a year now. I feel like a parent who just left her kid on the sidewalk. The guilt is killing me.

I can't believe it's been a year. I have been busy with a full time job, moving, and sorting eBay inventory. But now that I am unemployed (quite happily) I have too much time on my hands. Besides selling my mother's junk on eBay, watching repeats of ICarly, and waiting for this darn computer to load, I have nothing better to do than post here... so that is what I am doing.

Thank you to all who venture to this wretched website and enjoy the galleria of unusual and unwanted finds on eBay. Thank you to all of you who emailed me your finds and comments- most of which I have not read. I very much enjoy finding ugly sweaters, haunted dolls, scary taxidermy, male bikinis, and other assorted stuff. eBay is the place to find this crap but unless you have a lot of time on your hands and a sugar daddy to support you like me, there is no time to weed out the crazy crap. That is why is an invaluable resource and public service to the community. I hope to make this your entertainment site for years to come (but not anytime soon).