Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sarah Palin Cabbage Patch Doll!

Now your child can cuddle and drool all over the vice president.

In keeping true to reality, this special doll has lifelike features Sarah Palin has such as a pudgy nose, big cheeks, and cellulite on the knees.

This doll finally sold for $19,000! Gulp! I should have sold my balding Cabbage Patch on eBay and said it was McCain.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's bad enough I have flying bugs in my room. I don't need flying alarm clocks.

Now you can be extra sure you will wake up in the morning since the sounds of broken glass and falling books should do the trick .

"You'll have to find the helicopter first, before you can turn it off." Ut oh, I can't find that thing in my mess of a room.

I don't have any problems waking up in the morning. I simply wake up in the afternoon.

How would this look under your Christmas tree?

Not your usual golf game. This is a great way for guys to get revenge on women for tying up the bathroom.

Enough with the toast already!


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Sorry kid, we made the dog into an ottoman...

Well I guess it is better than leaving Fluffy at the SPCA.

The seller calls it "retro" but what he really means is "must go."

I guess the real estate market is real slow....

'Cause now people are selling plots of land in heaven.

Hey people are buying this. Check the seller's feedback file.
Hurry up before it sells out.

Makes a great gift for crooked CEOs of big banks and Fox News Network.

I'm a Genie in a Bottle.

The seller claims a real live genie comes out of this bottle and the bid is past $100.

"After your wish is granted burn some incense for him! He loves sandlewood and opium." Yeah, somebody was sniffing too much opium before she wrote this listing.

Do you still suck your thumb?

Then you should get this Sterling Silver Thumb Guard. Unless you mind barbed wire in your teeth.

Why do people buy thumb guards anyway? Just use corn dogs or wrap the thumb in duct tape like I do.

Somebody hacked the Easy Button!

The seller recommends many funny sayings to record but we don't recommend "Will you marry me?" unless your name is Clinton and you want every office secretary in the building.

Well, this guy had a weird college thesis paper...

This book is titled "Is Arsenic an Aphrodisiac?" In it the author answers questions like "How toxic is arsenic anyway?" but not "How do you sell 30 books mixing poison and love for $100 a piece?"

I see dead people.

A Sad Clown and His Young Monkey Lover

Why don't people just paint flowers anymore?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tell the politicians to eat dirt and mean it.

Clean Dirt for sale

While it is true that eating clean dirt alleviates colitis, nausea, and other stomach ailments, I think I will stick with the yucky pink stuff.

"[Dirt is] often baked or fried in vinegar and pepper." Mmm yummy.

Well, this is as close as I am getting to the South.


Mug with Diamond Ring Handle

Funny gag to play on a wannabe bride... unless you are the wannabe bride.

Who knew produce shopping could be so profitable?

What do you see when you look at this apple?

A) John McCain

B) Conan O'Brien

C) George Bush

D) Somebody's Butt

E) All of the Above

If you answered D or E you are correct!

Silly? Yes. But it sure beats burnt toast.

Monday, October 27, 2008

"Tired of something in your life? I will shoot it for U!"

Whoa, this guy has quite the arsenal of guns to shoot your least favorite thing on video. I wonder if I can send him my car.

"I would like to earn money for Christmas".... Aww how sweet, instead of begging, Tiny Tim wants to earn money for Christmas using military tactics.

Makes a great gag gift for the teenage daughter with paranoid parents.

I wish I had these when I was a wee bit girl in Catholic high school.

Tinsley Tattoo Sleeves

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Who wants to be a billionaire?

Wow look... $100 billion dollars.. in Zimbabwe money of course. According to an AOL news article you can't even buy a loaf of bread with this kind of cash.

I called a currency exchange person and he said he won't exchange this for US money. No fair.

Potential vice president pops up in the toaster.

Wow this is an image I can actually see unlike the Satan and McCain Toast.

"The Sarah Palin Toast is not for human consumption and is meant as a collectable"... yeah for a mouse.

I just don't get all these toast collectors. What do they do when the toast turns moldy? Do the laminate these things or show off their new patinas?

To see the Sarah Palin Toast swim over to this link:

This post is sponsored by: Flashing Light T-Shirts on eBay. Free shipping! Lights move to the music. Click here.

Funny Simpsons McCain/ Palin sticker

Hey look.. Pamela Anderson is selling on eBay now!

"This would be a great conversation piece if used as a paper weight or stress reliever!!"

Yeah.. I will put that on my coffee table.

Hey someone is bidding on these and these are just "sample implants." What the heck??? Why are you clicking on this crap?

Having trouble with raccoons in your garden?

Can you say Forrr....eaky?

Hmm.. somehow I lost my taste for Halloween candy.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

First Posting Here.. I am soo excited I could cry

This is my first posting for my Crazy Crap on eBay Blog. If you can't figure out what the heck this site is, here is the low down dude. This is a cool laid back blog about all the crazy crap I found on eBay.

What is crazy crap? Well it is not your ugly tweed father's flat cap. We* are looking to post truly funny unique items and listings we found on eBay. Haunted dolls, haunted toasts, Elvis' dentures, dates with people's dogs, people's jobs for sale... all these listings are possible postings on this obscure website.

You can submit crazy crap you found on eBay to ceokaren at Send spam to

To eBay IP lawyers: The name of this site is not "crazy crap on ebay' but "crazy crap one bay."

* The term "we" does not denote a group of people but rather the multiple personalities of one person.